The Evergreen State College Longhouse
The Evergreen State College House of Welcome (Longhouse) through the TESC Foundation (501c3) has generously taken us on as an independently run part of their workshop programing. The TESC House of Welcome is our non-profit manager and handles all incoming and outgoing funds. PNW Alutiiq Culture Camp is not an independent 501c3.
The PNW Alutiiq Culture Camp Team still has complete autonomy in choosing what programming we offer at camp. We also write all the funding requests though some may be turned in on our behalf by the TESC Foundation.
Our Sponsors
In 2023 our fiscal sponsors for both our in-person and online camp are: Koniag, Inc., Bristol Bay Native Corporation, Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation, and Tangirnaq Native Village. We received an in-kind donation of salmon and cod from BBNC subsidiary Bristol Wild. We also will recieve in-kind donations from The Evergreen State College House of Welcome, Koniag, Inc., Bristol Bay Native Corporation, Christine Redmond, Tanya Larson, Anna Uyeda, Jessica Towns-Camara and Heather Metrokin Cannon. Quyanaa those individual who donated to the scholarship fund.
Scholarship Donors: Sheryl Blackman, Chelsea Dallal, Ingrid Hansen, Amy Chabitnoy, Elizabeth Egan, and Kathryn Piland.
In 2022 our fiscal sponsors for both our in-person and online camp are: Koniag, Inc., Bristol Bay Native Corporation, and Alutiiq Hearing Services, Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation. We recieved kind donations from The Evergreen State College House of Welcome, Koniag, Inc., Bristol Bay Native Corporation, Jessica Towns-Camara and Heather Metrokin Cannon. Quyanaa to Vickie Era and Sheryl Blackman for donating to the scholarship fund.
In 2021 we were again online due to the global pandemic. Koniag Inc. sponsored our Traveling Naniq Carving workshop. BBNC Education Foundation sponsored the Alutiiq dance classes, an Alutiiq language intensive, a headband workshop and the Alutiiq naming panel discussion. Vickie Era transfered the remaining 2/5th of her personal artist grant to PNWACC and Camp used those funds to sponsor a salmon skin medicine pouch workshop and an Alutiiq language intensive. Camp also received an anonymous gift that was directed to be paid out to the camp Co-Directors. Quyanaa!
Our 2020 Virtual Culture Camp was sponsored by Koniag, Inc! Quyannasinaq to Koniag for believing in our ingenuity and vision.
2019 Sponsors include Koniag, Inc., BBNC, Natives of Kodiak, and Afognak Native Corporation.
The Alutiiq Museum supported our cultural learning event by sending their Mobile Museum and staff (Djuna Davidson & Dehrich Chya) from Kodiak, AK to Olympia, WA.
Vickie Era made an in-kind donation of travel costs for the lead artist and a lecture by Sven Haakenson using a personal artist grant.
Sun'aq Tribe made an in kind donation of all printed material.
Patty Kinswa (Colville) - in kind donation of salmon.
We would love to extend an invitation to each sponsor to join our effort again this year. To learn more about contributing please email us at pnwalutiiqs@gmail.com